The entire process of studying for getting master’s degree is aimed at studying the tools that can be used in conducting scientific research (for the economic sphere — mathematical methods in economics, research of control systems, applied computer science, etc.), studying the philosophy of science and foreign languages. It is really important to pass specific exams to graduate school. The master’s thesis is fundamental and contains scientific research in a certain field. The applied aspect of such a study does not imply. As a rule, during the dissertation, a certain problem is posed, a hypothesis is formed, an experiment is set up and then the results are analyzed.
How to choose a topic for a master’s thesis project
It should be noted that in addition to writing a dissertation, masters undergo practical training, as a rule, at the department. It involves pedagogical activity (working together with a teacher, conducting practical classes) or working on methodological support for a certain discipline. Conducting classes in a specific discipline forces masters to study the material more deeply and delve into all the processes related to the latest changes and additions of scientific knowledge in this field. Very often, the discipline being read becomes the area of scientific interests of the dissertation candidate or adjacent to it. A master’s graduate is allowed to present only if he has at least three publications on the research topic. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a research topic in advance. Thus, the topics of master’s theses are chosen from the pedagogical or methodological practice of the student, when writing articles on a certain topic, and may also be known initially when entering the master’s program. The subject of master’s theses is fundamental and is aimed at conducting scientific research in a specific field. Topics can be divided into several groups according to the research areas:
Analysis of the current state of affairs in a particular area. Working in this direction, masters should collect information, analyze the literature on a specific topical issue and identify problems that need to be solved to a certain extent. This is a good option for those who enter graduate school to create a foundation for a Ph.D. thesis.
The basis of a narrow problem, the formation of a hypothesis, the conduct of an experiment, and the analysis of the results of the study. For example, the problem: the discrepancy in the assessment of the market value of the organization and the capitalization of the company. The purpose is to justify the reasons for this discrepancy. The experiment is a comparison of the market value and capitalization of 15-20 companies. Analysis of the results obtained.
The expansion and addition of existing knowledge. The student analyzes, for example, the existing types of classification of something and offers his own classification system with a justification for why it is better.
Justification of the topic of the master’s thesis
Whichever direction you choose, it is necessary to state that it is the problem you are solving that is relevant and in demand. This is also necessary in order to be successfully published in peer-reviewed publications. The relevance of the research topic is easy to justify if it is, so it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of existing theories and methods in a particular field to identify truly relevant problems. A modern scientist should be “on the cutting edge of science” and understand all innovations and developments on the studied range of topics. To do this, you need to take the following steps: Participate in scientific conferences. They often discuss themed issues in your field. In addition, the report of your colleague can give you ideas for the further development of scientific knowledge and the topic of the master’s thesis. If you are a speaker yourself, then discussing the topics of your research and questions from colleagues will help you to understand the problem of the study more fully. Read the latest press. Scientific journals in a certain field publish up-to-date, up-to-date information about the research conducted by your colleagues. In most cases, scientific and journalistic journals (“The scientist magazine”, “Scientific American”,” Nautilus”) contain the information you really need, comments of experienced scientists, analysis of major analysts of the existing specific situation, etc. Do not neglect foreign literature and periodicals. Especially, the journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science list. Reading the literature in the original, you will see many inconsistencies with the translated literature. Understanding what the author wanted to say, you will get a completely different view on a specific problem, different from the official or accepted in the scientific field, which will help you choose a worthy and relevant topic for conducting scientific research and writing a master’s thesis. Read More: Best Textsheet Alternatives for students